The world is changing

Life is asking us to change, too.

you Are here Because you’ve heard a Calling.

The Calling is unique to you, and also part of a calling to collective change.

The Calling is a sense that there’s something “more” that’s waiting for you.

The Calling is to your Aliveness, your Truth, your Strength, your Soul. 

The Calling is to your Wholeness and your Power.

It’s a call to your Leadership.  You are a leader because you have an impact on the world around you⏤at work, in a group or community, in your family, in your network. 

Are you having the impact that you are being Called to have?  If not, I can help.



We need our whole selves to live & lead in harmony.


Wholeness is accessed on the levels of the body, heart, mind & soul/spirit:



The body is a medium to understand, interpret and unfold what is Calling you.  Our bodies hold our memories as well as amazing intelligence and guidance.  Sensations of the body show us where energy wants to flow and move.



The heart is where the divine meets humanity in the human body.  Our “heart-mind” knows so much about how we see, feel and respond to the world.  It understands suffering⏤our own and that of others.  It allows us to experience Love.  Through our own sadness, anger, fear and numbness, we touch the wisdom of the heart and can bring forth our love, passion for justice, trust and space for the new to arise. 



The mind helps you plan how you’ll get from where you are today to where you want to be. It can be a brilliant tool for moving through the world, but can also get stuck in patterns of the past and bring up obstacles and unreliable guidance. I help you access solutions from a greater wisdom than the mind, then use your mind to create actionable plans that make your values and goals real in the world.



The soul and its connection to spirit is your compass in uncertain times and in life⏤helping you to know why you are here, affirming you every step of the way, and is a source of unconditional love for yourself on your journey. I help you to learn the language of your soul, to tune into it, and use its guidance in times of transition and uncertainty, and for the rest of your life.


My Method

The heart of my work is spiritual connection & empowerment.

It’s about multidimensional (body, heart, mind, soul) remembrance of who you really are, then bringing that wholeness into your family, work and community for the better of all. 

I work with you to:

  • Remember the parts of you that have always been there but got forgotten or hidden under protective covering

  • Connect with the infallible guidance of your soul and lead with the great love of that source


stages of change

Through the cycles of my own journey and over a decade of working with clients, I have seen the predictable stages that humans experience as they move toward their Calling.

The stages look and feel different for each person, depending on where they are starting and where they want to go.  But they follow a familiar pattern.

Simply knowing the stages provides a map to follow on your unfolding journey.


mapping your Journey

Click to explore what each stage is all about.


  • You feel the inner knowing that something is happening, something is ready to change. You are being called to something new, something more. Something larger than you has guided you here to truly notice your Calling. That’s why you’re here, reading these words.
  • As a coach, I see you and validate the whole of who you are. I partner with you to create an accepting and enlivening dialogue for you to explore where your Calling is pointing you.

Movement & Exploration

  • In order to move toward your next level⏤whatever that is for you⏤Life is asking you to change. Once you have made the choice to explore your Calling, it’s time to get curious about where it might lead you. It's time to start moving.
  • Movement is fuel for your personal transformation. It means getting out of your well-worn routines, breaking free of old habits, trying new things, cultivating what makes you come alive. It is about following your urges toward what is interesting and compelling to you, and to try things you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t done yet. Starting to say Yes to your inner self. As you move and explore, you become more aware of how your choices move you in the world today so that you can choose to move differently going forward.
  • As a coach, I partner with you to understand your Yes and your No and get clear on what truly resonates with your body, heart, mind and spirit. Movement and exploration has a specific goal of discovering what makes you come alive in your whole being.

Faith & Letting Go

  • Through exploration and moving through the world in new ways in the previous stage, you build trust in yourself. Trust that you are moving toward creating a life that is more purposeful and meaningful. You are clear that you must let go of what no longer serves you and move toward something new. You develop a warrior spirit in this stage as you reach new clarity about your Calling and what you want to do with it.
  • As a coach, I guide you to discover and embody the truth of who you are. Without the right support, this stage can be prolonged. Some people get stuck before they fully manifest new ways of being. I help you to move with momentum, grow in your courage and authenticity, and begin to make wise changes in your life.

Creating & Building

  • Learning leads to action. You begin to take real, tangible steps toward making the New real in your world. You find your feet solidly on new ground and are clear on your direction.
  • You are authentically expressing the response to your Calling in the world. You know what it looks like and what actions you are taking. You have a deep trust in yourself and the process that is unfolding.
  • As a coach, I partner with you in inquiry and planning to whatever extent that serves your forward movement. I help you develop and live into your own unique strategic plan about how to make your Calling more and more real in the world.

Embodiment & Integration

  • In this stage your Calling is living through you. You know it and are embodying it naturally. Your actions are aligned with and rooted in your values. This experience of integration feels solid. You are able to see the journey and celebrate the progress and success you’ve made. You are able to look to the longer-term path of how you will continue to grow and sustain yourself as you give your gifts to the world around you.
  • As a coach, I guide you to integrate these accomplishments and new ways of being into your body and how you show up. I support you developing or deepening practices and behaviors that sustain the aliveness through ongoing cycles of life.